Cranson des Alpes (Cochlearia officinalis) Echte Löffelkraut

Cranson des Alpes (Cochlearia officinalisEchte Löffelkraut

Cranson des AlpesCranson des Alpes (Cochlearia officinalia)
FR – La Cochléaire officinale (Cochlearia officinalis), Cranson officinal, Herbe aux cuillères.
Famille des Brassicacées
DE – Das Echte Löffelkraut (Cochlearia officinalis) ist eine Pflanzenart, die zur Familie der Kreuzblütengewächse (Brassicaceae) gehört. Bitterkresse, Skorbutkraut, Löffelblättchen, Löffelkresse, Scharbockskraut.
Cochlearia officinalis, or Common Scurvygrass, is a flowering plant of the genus Cochlearia in the family Brassicaceae. The plant acquired its common name from the observation that it cured scurvy, and it was taken on board ships in dried bundles or distilled extracts. Its very bitter taste was usually disguised with herbs and spices; however, this did not prevent scurvygrass drinks and sandwiches becoming a popular fad in the UK until the middle of the nineteenth century, when citrus fruits became more readily available.
Utilisation médicale
Anti-scorbutique – Antiseptique – Aphtes – Diurétique (élimination urinaire) – Expectorante – Rhumatismes – Scorbut – Stimulant (augmente la vitalité).